2010 Bare Essentials Calendar
 Preview images for 2010 Bare Essentials Calendar


 Premium Calendar will be 13.5" x 19" and linen texture

$28.95 (plus shipping)

Click Here to Order Prem!

Support independent publishing: buy this calendar on Lulu.
Please write a review and/or rate after purchase!


Standard Calendar will be 11" x 8.5" (11x17 when open

$18.95 (plus shipping)

Click Here to Order Prem!

Support independent publishing: buy this calendar on Lulu.

Please write a review and/or rate after purchase!


Jan - Jessica Feb -Coundra
March - Heather
April - Ashlee
May - Amy
June - Lauren
 July - Christine
 Aug - Amanda Sept - Christine
 Oct - Devi Nov - Kell

Dec -Jenny

 2009 calendar is now avaliable update to 2010


Premium Calendar will be 13.5" x 19" and linen texture

$27.95 (plus shipping)

Click Here to Order Prem!

Support independent publishing: buy this calendar on Lulu.
Please write a review and/or rate after purchase!

Standard Calendar will be 11" x 8.5" (11x17 when open)

$17.95 (plus shipping)

Click Here to Order Standard!
Support independent publishing: buy this calendar on Lulu.
Please write a review and/or rate after purchase!